
32: The Gift of Transportation

32 years.

My parents have made it to the year of Conveyances! In other words, the year of transportation. As soon as I read this, I called my Dad and informed him of the traditional gift he should give. He said, "I am not getting your Momma a car, but I will transport her to dinner." So, sorry Mom maybe you'll have better luck next year- the year of the Amethyst.

Happy Anniversary you two love birds! And cheers to another 32!

Christmas Accouterments

So you all know about my greenery delima and how it has been solved. Well, here it is actually installed! The branch is left over from the ornament shower I hosted for Kana (we hung her ornaments on the limbs as she unwrapped them). I thought it looked pretty cool in the room, so it remains! Taylor, on the other hand threatens me everyday that it will be back in the woods where it belongs before I get home from work.

We don't actually have a mantel so I created the illusion of one by adding garland and accouterments:

Christmas Mantel Decoration Ideas

The stockings are from Etsy-Mindy does a fabulous job if you are ever in the market for some new stockings!

Christmas Mantel decorations

Stole the cranberries floating in water idea from my Mom :)

I have a little herb ledge above my sink...let's be honest that it really only serves the purpose of collecting dust and most recently, magnolia and holly.

Christmas Decorating Ideas

Merry Christmas guys!!


I got my goods.

Greenery Delima SOLVED. Panic set in after I completed my post on Friday. You see, I hosted an Ornament shower for my friend Kana on Sunday (pics and details to come) and I needed decorations! My boss let me leave work a little early on Friday to dash down to the wholesale.To my disappointment, no garland, no Magnolia leaves, no nothin! I snagged some pretty great paperwhites, that I think smell great, but Taylor thought Lola pooped in the house.

Like I mad woman I went to 3 other local florist and flower shops trying to find a little greenery. On my way home I decided I would try Home Depot. To my surprise they had great potted plants  for my front porch, and even had some cedar garland! When I got home I was pretty disappointed with how the garland looked.

Not to worry, Mom and Dad to the rescue. My Dad cuts Magnolia leaves and says it must be tough being a city girl-thanks, Dad. My Mom cuts cedar with the prettiest blue berries. Can't find this good stuff in any store. My Mom brings it all up with her before the party on Sunday and now my house finally feels like Christmas! I owe my parents Big Time!


Greenery Delima

The other day Taylor and I were walking Lola and  I was also scoping out any cedar and/or Magnolia trees to use for the mantel and wreaths. Before I go any further..I grew up in Fitzpatrick, land of Cedar and Magnolias. Simply grab a large black trash bag and cutters(optional), and go to town on any tree of your liking. So, on Sunday I saw a Cedar tree, walked up to it, and began scoping out the perfect branches. I look at Taylor and he has a concerned look on his face. "What?" I ask. "You know you can't cut those limbs, Katie." "Yes I can", I reply. Taylor continues to explain to me how this is not our property and if someone saw you walking down the street with a bunch of branches dragging behind you, you will probably be questioned. Good point, I guess.
So I discuss this delima with my older sister, A, and with some thought I came up with a plan. I'll put on all black and cut them at NIGHT. No one will ever know, and when Taylor ask where I got all this greenery I'll just shrug my shoulders. This usually works for about 5 minutes and then interrogation begins.
So my other, and more realistic option is to buy the greenery. I just feel silly buying something that is all over the place! I am not kidding, Magnolia trees are everywhere and I can't have just 4 dang branches. What if I just take one branch from each tree....delima....Looks like I am going to the wholesale florist today.
Bah, Humbug.
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